The challenge: Play your 15-minute race to the finish game you made during the last challenge. Is your game fun? Why or why not? What could you change about your game to make it better? After playing your game, make at least one change and play again. Note the differences this change has brought. Has the change made your game better or worse? Are there any additional changes you can think to make? Continue iterating until you are satisfied with your game. Identify the elements of your game that have changed and reflect on why these changes have improved the experience.
My first go at a board game was not particularly fun and very much unbalanced. Playing it, the games were rarely close. Either the game ended almost immediately, or one player pulled too far ahead of the other for the game to be fun. This was the first problem I hoped to solve with iteration of design: Introduce elements that provide a greater likelihood that the players will remain close together while traveling across the game board.
I redrew my game board before beginning the iterative process. Before, the path was a single straight line. Now, the path weaves back and forth creating a box-like shape. This new path layout proved very influential in my design decisions.
My new game board and pieces |
I tried solving the problem in a number of ways. First I adjusted and then re-adjusted the special spaces on the board. These special spaces, if landed on, influence player movement.
If this doesn't sound familiar, check out the post where I discuss my 15-minute race to the finish game. Some configurations of the special spaces worked better than others, but none achieved the result I was looking for.
Next, I tried giving the compiler player a head start by as many as six spaces. Again, some playthroughs with this rule in place showed promise, but it was far from a solution to my problem.
After this, I introduced a second play piece for the syntax error player to use. With this second play piece, the rules governing my game, especially for the syntax error player, changed drastically:
- The syntax error player rolls one die per turn.
- Each turn, after rolling the die, the syntax error player must choose one of his play pieces to move. I will refer to these two play pieces as the "Hero" and the "Sweeper" from this point forward.
- The Hero can only move forward and must follow the path laid out by the game board.
- The Sweeper can travel either up the columns of the game board or right across the rows of the game board. (this movement was inspired by my new square game board with the weaving path)
- The Sweeper can only travel in a single direction per turn. For instance, if the syntax error player rolls a five and chooses to move the Sweeper, the Sweeper cannot travel two spaces to the right and then three spaces up.
- If the Sweeper reaches the top of a column or the right edge of a row, the Sweeper continues movement from the start of that same column (bottom of the column) or row (left side of the row).
- If the compiler player crosses paths with the Sweeper during his/her turn, movement for that turn stops no matter how many more spaces the dice afforded him/her.
- If the Sweeper lands on the same space as the compiler player, the compiler player is not allowed to move at all during his/her next turn.
I really enjoyed the results this mechanic produced. The players were experiencing the game much closer together on the path which is what I set out to do. After playing a few times, I noticed another problem with my design: For the compiler player, there was nothing to do but roll dice. There was no decision making, no way for him/her to influence the game at all. I liked the new mechanic I had introduced to the syntax error player and decided to run with that just a bit further. I bestowed a second game piece upon the compiler player as well, rewrote the victory conditions, and scrapped my initial theme.
New rules:
- The game board is arranged in a square with the play path weaving back and forth across the board.
- The game can be played with two-five players. (I will describe the rules in terms of only two players for simplicity)
- Each player controls two game pieces, the "Hero" and the "Sweeper".
- Both players (all four pieces) begin on the same space of the play path, the space labeled "Start".
- Order of play is determined by a dice roll.
- Play alternates between the players (two players) or in a clockwise fashion (more than two players).
- On a players turn, he/she rolls two dice.
- The player decides which die to associate with which game piece (Hero or Sweeper).
- The Hero can move forward and must follow the path laid out by the game board.
- The Sweeper can travel either up the columns of the game board or right across the rows of the game board.
- The Sweeper can only travel in a single direction per turn. For instance, if the player rolls a five with one of the dice and associates that die with the Sweeper, the Sweeper cannot travel two spaces to the right and then three spaces up.
- If the Sweeper reaches the top of a column or the right edge of a row, the Sweeper continues movement from the start of that same column (bottom of the column) or row (left side of the row).
- Both game pieces must be moved each turn, i.e., one piece cannot move a number of spaces equivalent to the sum of both dice.
- If the Hero crosses paths with the opposing Sweeper during his/her turn, movement for that turn stops no matter how many more spaces the die afforded the Hero.
- If the Sweeper lands on the same space as the opposing Hero, the opposing Hero is not allowed to move at all during his/her next turn.
- If the Sweeper crosses paths with the opposing Sweeper, the opposing Sweeper is forced over one column to the right. The Sweeper is not affected by crossing paths with the opposing Sweeper and continues movement normally.
- The game ends when one of the player's Hero pieces reaches the space labeled "End".
- The player whose Hero piece reaches the "End" space first is the victor.
Reading through the rulesets, my new game has little in common with its source material. Behold the power of iteration! My new game, while not perfect, is much more fun to play. I'm happy with how it turned out.
In the future, I might reskin this new game with a new theme since the syntax error/compiler theme doesn't fit the new rules. If I come up with something clever, you can be sure I'll write about it here.
The one big takeaway from today is that the more you iterate on a game, the better it becomes. Great designers do not design great games. They usually design really bad games, and then they iterate on them until the games become great.
You want to have a playable prototype of your game as early in development as possible. The faster you can playtest your ideas, the more time you have to make changes.
Lots of words. Sorry for the length.