Friday, August 24, 2012

Ludum Dare 24!!

I'm participating in Ludum Dare 24!!

What is Ludum Dare?  Here's some knowledge:

Ludum Dare is a regular accelerated game development Event.  Participants develop games from scratch in a weekend, based on a theme suggested by the community.

Ludum Dare was founded by Geoff Howland, and held its first competition in April 2002.  Since then the community has run more than 22 regular Events, several dozens of practice competitions, collectively creating many thousands of games in just a weekend each.

The events attract developers from all sides of the industry.  Students, hobbyists, industry professionals from many well respected game studios, as well as many independent game developers.

For many people, it can be difficult to find or make the time to create a game or prototype for yourself.  We're here to be your excuse.

My tools: Stencyl and Paintbrush (a Mac equivalent to Paint)

My plan: Tear down the theme to a mechanic or concept that can be conveyed with simple geometry.  Use a music track from my iTunes library without permission.  Learn Stencyl along the way.

T-minus 53 minutes.



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